Chapel Hill addiction treatment centers know that not all drug addiction happens with hardcore street drugs such as heroin or methamphetamine. In many cases, abuse involves the unlikely agent of a doctor's prescription. Addictive drugs such as painkillers, sedatives, barbiturates and stimulants are prescribed for a wide variety of conditions; many patients who take these medications in good faith, though, find themselves trapped.
Prescription drug abuse isn't something that only happens to celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Anna Nicole Smith or Heath Ledger; it happens to thousands of regular Americans each year. It is an epidemic, and involves major public health consequences.
Chapel Hill prescription drug detox centers can help you turn your life around. For more information, or for help searching for treatment centers, please call Drug Treatment Centers Chapel Hill today at (877) 804-1531.
Millions of people suffer from painful health conditions. Some of these afflictions tend to be short-lived -- pain from surgery or injury, for instance, usually doesn't last long. In other cases, conditions such as diabetic neuropathy can result in enduring pain.
Opium-based pain medications are the best that medical science offers today. When these medications are used under careful medical supervision, they do little harm in most cases.
Much the same applies to medications used for intractable anxiety disorder, insomnia or ADHD. The benzodiazepines, sedatives and stimulants used to treat these conditions help most people who need them, causing little life disruption.
Unfortunately, some people tend to carry psychological and genetic vulnerabilities to addictive substances. When exposed to opiates, sedatives or other such addictive medications, they quickly experience addiction.
Doctors today tend to over-prescribe these medications without due consideration of their potential for addiction, a tendency that has led to the epidemic of cases of prescription drug abuse in evidence today -- 8.76 million instances, as reported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
As different as painkillers, stimulants, benzodiazepines and sedatives are, their addictive qualities come from similar methods of action -- the drug habit is created through permanent, physiological changes to the brain. There is no one treatment method that offers lifelong freedom from drugs. Chapel Hill addiction professionals determine the exact nature of a patient's addiction, and to devise a collection of treatment options to successfully address them.
Don't wait one more day to turn your life around. Call drug treatment centers Chapel Hill to learn more about treatment programs and speak with someone about your options.